Um frasco de Now Foods Astaxanthin, Extra Strength 10 mg 60 Softgel.
Astaxantina, Força Extra 10 mg 60 Softgel €38,86
Descrição do produto: O mais poderoso antioxidante Excelente suporte para o sistema imunitário Sendo um antioxidante lipossolúvel, a astaxantina é particularmente benéfica para a pele, o cérebro e outros órgãos com elevados níveis de ácidos gordos. Na pele, a astaxantina é particularmente valiosa para a proteção contra os radicais livres produzidos pelos raios UV do sol. Encontra-se naturalmente em muitos alimentos, incluindo o salmão, o caranguejo e a lagosta (aos quais confere a sua rica cor vermelha), mas a melhor fonte é, de longe, a microalga Haematococcus pluvialis, que pode fornecer 8000 vezes mais astaxantina do que o salmão. Informações sobre a dose Tamanho da dose 1 cápsula mole Quantidade por dose Astaxantina (do extrato de Haematococcus pluvialis) (AstaReal®) 10 mg Outros Ingredientes: Azeite virgem extra orgânico, cápsula de gelatina mole [gelatina bovina (sem BSE), glicerina, água] e tocoferóis mistos (de óleo de girassol/raposa). Sugestão de utilização: Tomar 1 cápsula de gelatina mole diariamente com uma refeição que contenha gordura. Consultar um médico em caso de gravidez, amamentação, toma de medicamentos ou se tiver uma condição médica.
Um frasco de suplemento alimentar de Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex Plus Lutein da Solgar.
Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex Plus Lutein 60 cápsulas vegetais €35,70
Descrição do produto Promove uma visão saudável Combate a fadiga ocular e a tensão ocular Promove uma retina e uma mácula saudáveis e fortes Swanson Premium-Lutein Esters & Bilberry é o suplemento perfeito para ajudar a manter uma visão saudável. O mirtilo é uma erva natural para a saúde dos olhos. Em contrapartida, a luteína proporciona uma proteção antioxidante específica. Em conjunto, constituem um valioso contributo nutricional para a manutenção diária da visão. Cada cápsula contém 20 mg de extrato de mirtilo de força garantida (normalizado para 25% de antocianinas) e 6 mg de ésteres de luteína de calêndula. Informações sobre a dose Tamanho da dose 1 Softgel Quantidade por dose Extrato de mirtilo (Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruto) (normalizado para 25% de antocianinas) 20 mg Ésteres de luteína (de extrato de flor de calêndula) 6 mg Outros ingredientes: Óleo de girassol, gelatina, glicerina, lecitina de girassol, cera de abelha amarela, extrato de alfarroba, água purificada, dióxido de titânio, tocoferóis naturais. Fabricado no Canadá Sugestão de uso: Como suplemento dietético, tomar uma cápsula de gelatina mole por dia com alimentos e água. AVISO: Apenas para adultos. Consulte o seu médico antes de usar este ou qualquer produto se estiver grávida ou a amamentar, a tomar medicamentos ou se tiver uma condição médica. Manter fora do alcance das crianças. Conservar num local fresco e seco. Não conservar no frigorífico. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir um regime alimentar variado.
Um frasco de Puritan's Pride Lutein 20 mg with Zeaxanthin 60 Softgel com um fundo branco.
Luteína 20 mg com Zeaxantina 60 cápsulas moles €9,84
Descrição do produto: Proteção antioxidante eficaz contra a luz azul Apoia a saúde dos olhos A luteína e a zeaxantina são responsáveis pela cor amarelo-alaranjada de muitas plantas - frutos, legumes, flores. No entanto, no corpo humano, desempenham duas funções importantes. Em primeiro lugar, são antioxidantes (antioxidantes) que neutralizam os radicais livres. Assim, previnem muitas doenças crónicas. São particularmente importantes para o bom funcionamento do órgão visual. Entre outras coisas, protegem os capilares sensíveis da retina. Em segundo lugar, são um filtro amarelo que absorve as radiações ultravioletas (UV) nocivas para o olho. Como "óculos de sol" naturais, protegem a parte central sensível da retina, a mácula.Informações de utilização Tamanho da dose 1 cápsula mole Quantidade por dose Lutigold Luteína (contém zeaxantina 800 mcg) 20 mg Outros Ingredientes: Óleo de cártamo, gelatina, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha amarela: Para adultos, tomar uma (1) cápsula de gelatina mole diariamente, de preferência com uma refeição. Se estiver grávida, a amamentar, a tomar medicamentos ou tiver alguma condição médica, consulte o seu médico antes de usar.AVISO: Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. O produto deve ser guardado fora do alcance das crianças. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir um regime alimentar variado.
Um frasco de Solgar Lutein 40 mg 30 Softgels saúde dos olhos.
Luteína 40 mg 30 cápsulas moles €36,17
Descrição do produto: Proteção antioxidante eficaz contra a luz azul Apoia a saúde dos olhos Luteína 40 mg em forma de cápsulas moles é a solução ideal para as suas necessidades de apoio ótimo aos olhos. Cada cápsula contém 40 mg de luteína, cuja qualidade e eficácia são garantidas pela famosa marca Solgar . A luteína, um carotenoide que ocorre naturalmente, é conhecida pelo seu papel benéfico na manutenção de uma boa visão e da saúde geral dos olhos. Actua como um poderoso antioxidante, protegendo os olhos dos efeitos negativos da radiação UV e de outros factores ambientais. Além disso, a Luteína apoia a função da retina, apoia a acuidade visual e também ajuda a reduzir a inflamação e a aliviar os sintomas de fadiga visual. Cuide dos seus olhos e escolha Luteína 40 mg de Solgar - os seus olhos merecem-no! Tamanho da dose: 1 Softgel Quantidade por dose Luteína (FloraGLO) (fornece zeaxantina, 2 mg) 40 mg Outros Ingredientes: Óleo de cártamo, gelatina, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha amarela, lecitina de soja: Como um suplemento dietético para adultos, tomar uma (1) cápsula de gel diariamente, às refeições, ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde.AVISO: Se estiver a tomar qualquer medicação ou tiver uma condição médica, consulte o seu profissional de saúde antes de tomar qualquer suplemento dietético. Não exceder a dose diária recomendada. O produto deve ser guardado fora do alcance das crianças. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir uma dieta variada. Sem glúten, trigo, levedura, açúcar, sal, aromas artificiais, adoçantes artificiais, corantes artificiais
Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex 60 Cápsulas Vegetais - frente
Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex 60 Cápsulas Vegetais €29,91
Descrição do produto: Apoia a saúde dos olhos Ajuda a proteger a retina do stress oxidativo Melhora o fornecimento de sangue aos olhos Apoia a saúde e a qualidade geral dos olhos Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex sob a forma de 60 cápsulas vegetais da Solgar, é um suplemento alimentar formulado para apoiar a saúde dos teus olhos, graças ao seu conteúdo de ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente seleccionados que promovem a saúde. Os elementos de destaque desta mistura única, como o Bilberry Ginkgo e o Ginkgo biloba, são apreciados pelas suas propriedades promotoras da saúde que têm um impacto positivo na visão. Prepara-te e toma conta da tua saúde ocular com Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex 60 cápsulas vegetais hoje mesmo! Tamanho da dose: 2 cápsulas vegetais Quantidade por dose Vitamina A (na forma de beta-caroteno e palmitato de retinilo) 1.500 mcgVitamina C (na forma de ascorbato de cálcio) 300 mgVitamina E (na forma de succinato ácido de D-alfa-tocoferilo) 67 mgZinco (na forma de glicinato de zinco) 10 mgSelénio (na forma de L-selenometionina) 25 mcgExtracto de azevinho (planta inteira) (4:1) 25 mgExtracto de mirtilo (baga) (antocianósidos 36% [7.2 mg]) 20 mgExtracto de folhas de ginkgo (glicosídeos de flavona de ginkgo 24% [2,4 mg]) 10 mgTaurina 100 mgMistura de carotenóides (alfa e beta-caroteno, luteína, zeaxantina, licopeno, criptoxantina) 46 mcg Outros ingredientes: celulose vegetal, estearato de magnésio vegetal, celulose microcristalina, caramelo (cor), maltodextrina: Como suplemento dietético para adultos, toma duas (2) cápsulas vegetais diariamente, de preferência com uma refeição ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde.AVISO: Se estiveres grávida, a amamentar, a tomar medicamentos, a planear qualquer procedimento médico ou cirúrgico ou se tiveres qualquer condição médica, consulta o teu profissional de saúde antes de tomares qualquer suplemento dietético. Interrompe a utilização e consulta o teu profissional de saúde se ocorrerem reacções adversas. Mantém fora do alcance das crianças. Conserva à temperatura ambiente. Não uses se o selo exterior do frasco estiver ausente ou danificado. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir uma dieta variada. Não excedas a dose diária. Sem glúten, trigo, levedura, açúcar, sal, aromas artificiais, conservantes artificiais
Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels - front
Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels €10,47
Product description: Supports vision and improves immune system function Facilitates calcium absorption and ensures healthy bones and teeth Excellent source of vitamins A and D in adequate doses Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels from Swanson will be a great addition to your health routine. They contain 1,500 mcg of vitamin A and 10 mcg of vitamin D, providing the optimal dosage for your body. Vitamin A plays a key role in maintaining vision health, skin condition and immune system function. Vitamin D is important for maintaining strong, healthy bones, regulating the immune system and affecting our overall wellbeing. Vitamins A and D are ideal for those who care about their health and want to supplement deficiencies of these important vitamins. Don't wait any longer - take care of your health now! Serving Information Serving Size 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin A (from cod liver oil and vitamin A palmitate) 1,500 mcgVitamin D (from cod liver oil and cholecalciferol) 10 mcg Other ingredients: May contain vegetable oil (corn or soybean oil); contains gelatin, glycerin, purified water. Contains fish (cod). Contains a bioengineered food ingredient.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day with water. Women who are pregnant or likely to become pregnant should not exceed recommended dosage.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
Vitamin E 400 IU 60 Capsules - front
Vitamin E 400 IU 60 Capsules €5,14
Product description: strengthening the immune system protecting cells from oxidative stress improving the condition of the skin and hair support of heart health Vitamin E 400 IU 60 Capsules from Herb is the way to supplement your daily dose of this key ingredient, which performs many vital functions in the body. Each capsule contains as much as 400 IU of pure vitamin E, guaranteeing an effective and convenient supplementation for those who care about their health. Vitamin E 400 IU is an excellent choice for physically active people who value balance in their daily diet, as well as for all those who want to take care of their health in a simple and effective way.Don't wait, choose vitamin E now! Serving Information Serving Size: 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving Vitamin E 400 IU (294 mg) Other Ingredients: DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), casing: gelatine, humectants: glycerol, water.Suggested Use: 1 capsule per day. WARNING: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The dietary supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. For proper health, follow a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
A bottle of Swanson Bilberry Fruit 470 mg 100 Capsules supplement, rich in antioxidants, for eye and vision health.
Bilberry Fruit 470 mg 100 Capsules €15,06
Product description: Supports heart health Has antioxidant effects Beneficial for eye health Bilberry Fruit 470 mg 100 Capsules from Swanson has been carefully formulated for anyone who wants to look after their health and wellbeing on a daily basis. Blueberry is a natural source of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, which may benefit heart health, immunity and reduce inflammation. In addition, it can improve eye health and cognitive function. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties support overall health.Choose health and vitality - choose Blueberry Fruit! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruit) 470 mg Other Ingredients: Gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose (plant fiber), silica, magnesium stearate.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule two times per day with water.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your physician before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed daily recommended dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.
A bottle of Now Foods Krill Oil Pure NKO 500 mg supplement, enriched with astaxanthin, labeled for cardiovascular support with 60 softgels, isolated on a white background.
Krill Oil Pure NKO 500 mg 60 Softgels €29,55
Product description: Support for heart and brain health Positive effects on the organ of vision Powerful antioxidant Discover the unique benefits of Krill Oil Pure NKO 500 mg 60 Softgels from Now Foods, a source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, enriched with the antioxidant power of astaxanthin. This unique formula is designed to support your body on multiple levels. The omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, contribute to normal heart function, support brain health and cognitive function, and improve joint flexibility and mobility, helping to reduce inflammation. DHA plays a key role in maintaining healthy vision. In addition, astaxanthin as a powerful antioxidant protects cells from oxidative stress and damage.Invest in your health today by giving your body what it needs with Pure NKO Krill Oil. Serving Information: Serving Size: 2 Softgels Amount Per Serving Calories 10Total Fat 1 gKrill Oil (NKO®) 1 g (1,000 mg)Omega-3 Fatty Acids 250 mgEicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 135 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 60 mgPhospholipids 450 mgEsterified Astaxanthin 360 mcg Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule [bovine gelatin (BSE-free), glycerin, water]. Contains shellfish (krill).Suggested Use: Take 2 softgels 1 to 3 times daily with food. WARNING: For adults only. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication (especially anticoagulant or anti-platelet medications), or have a medical condition. Do not use this product if you have a seafood allergy. Keep out of reach of children. NKO® is a registered trademark of the Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS. US Patent No.: 8,030,348. Natural color variation may occur in this product. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. Do not exceed daily recommended dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish or sesame ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
Bottle of Now Foods Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg 100 Softgels, rich in GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), labeled for women's health, healthy skin, and immune system support.
Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg 100 Softgels €13,41
Product description: Support for the immune system Support for the skin Positive effects on wellbeing Take care of your health with natural Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg 100 Softgels from Now Foods. This valuable supplement supports the body on many levels, helping to alleviate PMS discomfort and improving skin condition with its gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) content. Evening primrose oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthening the immune system and improving immunity. Supplementing with this oil can also support mental health, helping to reduce symptoms of depression and stress.Invest in evening primrose oil to build a solid foundation for your health and wellbeing! Serving Information: Serving Size: 3 Softgels Amount Per Serving Calories 15Total Fat 1.5 gPolyunsaturated Fat 1 gMonounsaturated Fat <0.5 gEvening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis) (Seed) (Cold-Pressed, Hexane-Free) 1.5 g (1,500 mg)Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) 135 mg Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule [bovine gelatin (BSE-free), glycerin, water].Suggested Use: Take 3 softgels daily with food. WARNING: For adults only. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Natural color variation may occur in this product. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. Do not exceed daily recommended dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or sesame ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
A bottle of Now Foods Vitamin B-2 100 mg riboflavin supplements, containing 100 veg capsules, for energy production.
Vitamin B-2 100 mg 100 Veg Capsules €8,47
Product description: Beneficial effects on the nervous system Has antioxidant effects Participates in metabolic processes Take care of your health and well-being by harnessing the power of Vitamin B-2 100 mg 100 Veg Capsules from Now Foods! Vitamin B-2, also known as riboflavin, plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Its presence promotes many metabolic processes, supporting your energy and overall health. It also supports brain health and cognitive function, helping to maintain concentration and mental clarity. In addition, it helps protect your eyes from harmful external factors, thanks to its antioxidant properties, and benefits eye health.Give your body what it needs with Vitamin B-2! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Veg Capsule Amount Per Serving Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 100 mg Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Hypromellose (cellulose capsule), Stearic Acid (vegetable source) and Silicon Dioxide.Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule daily with a meal.WARNING: For adults only. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Natural color variation may occur in this product. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. Do not exceed daily recommended dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.Not manufactured with wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nut ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
A bottle of Now Foods DHA 100 mg Kids Fish Oil 60 Chewable Softgels supplements, labeled for brain development support, with playful graphics and text.
DHA 100 mg Kids Fish Oil 60 Chewable Softgels €18,35
Product description: Support for brain development Support for cognitive function Support for eye health DHA 100 mg Kids Fish Oil 60 Chewable Softgels from Now Foods are an excellent addition to the daily diet of little ones. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) plays a key role in the development of children's brains, highlighting the importance of its supplementation for their cognitive development. In addition, DHA supports the maintenance of healthy vision, which is important for the proper development of children's eyes.Take care of your child's health now by reaching for capsules rich in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids! Serving Information: Serving Size: 2 Chewable Softgels Amount Per Serving Calories 10Total Fat 1 gFish Oil Concentrate (BioPureDHA®) 1,100 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 200 mgEicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 48 mg Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule [bovine gelatin (BSE-free), glycerin, water, natural fruit punch flavor, xylitol, cellulose] and Mixed Tocopherols. Contains fish (tuna). Mixed Tocopherols from non-GMO soy.Suggested Use: For children and adults, take 2 chewable softgels 1 to 2 times daily with food, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.WARNING: Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Xylitol is harmful to pets; seek veterinary care immediately if ingestion is suspected. Learn more about pet safety. This fish oil concentrate is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested to be free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants such as PCBs, dioxins, mercury and other heavy metals. BioPureDHA® is a registered trademark of Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. Fish oil is product of Iceland. Do not exceed daily recommended dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, milk, egg,  shellfish or sesame ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
A brown bottle labeled
Double Strength Omega-3 700 mg 60 Softgels €45,02
Product description: Support for heart health Positive effects on brain health and cognitive function Helps maintain healthy vision Has anti-inflammatory properties Discover the amazing benefits of Double Strength Omega-3 700 mg 60 Softgels supplement from Solgar! With carefully selected ingredients such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), our supplement provides comprehensive support for your body. Omega-3 helps regulate blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which benefits heart health. DHA is a key component of the brain, supporting cognitive function, memory and concentration. DHA is also an essential component of the retina, helping to maintain healthy vision. Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.Invest in your health with our Omega-3 capsules and feel the difference today! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Calories 15     Calories from Fat 5     Total Fat 1 gCholesterol 5 mgTotal Omega 3 Polyunsaturates† 700 mg providing:          EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 360 mgDHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 240 mg Other Ingredients: Fish Oil, Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Mixed Tocopherols. Contains fish (anchovy, mackerel, sardine).Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) softgel three times daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing, torn or damaged in any way. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors †As Natural Triglycerides
A brown bottle labeled
Dry Vitamin E with Yeast-Free Selenium 100 Vegetable Capsules €37,91
Product description: Immune system support Strong antioxidant properties Support for heart health and skin health Introducing Dry Vitamin E with Yeast-Free Selenium 100 Vegetable Capsules from Solgar, offering numerous health benefits thanks to the combination of vitamin E and selenium. This is an excellent addition to your daily health routine and is also suitable for vegans thanks to its plant-based formula. Vitamin E and selenium are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage, supporting cellular health. Vitamin E moisturises and protects the skin, helping to maintain a healthy and supple appearance. Both substances play a key role in strengthening the immune system, helping the body to fight infection and disease. Order now and find out how vitamin E with selenium can improve your health! Serving Information: Serving Size: 2 Vegetable Capsules Amount Per Serving Vitamin E (as d - Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate) 500 IUSelenium (as L-selenomethionine) 150 mcg Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegetable Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Silica.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take two (2) vegetable capsules daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, planning on medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors
A bottle of Solgar Super Cod Liver Oil Complex 60 Softgels, enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, EPA, DHA, vitamins A and D3. The label highlights that it's sugar, salt, and starch free. Contains 60 softgels.
Super Cod Liver Oil Complex 60 Softgels €22,51
Product description: Support for heart and brain health Support for the immune system Positive effects on eye, skin, bone and dental health Discover the unique benefits of Super Cod Liver Oil Complex 60 Softgels from Solgar! This excellent dietary supplement provides your body with a concentrated dose of valuable nutrients. It contains cod liver oil, vitamin D3 and Omega-3 fatty acids, providing comprehensive care from the inside out. What benefits does Super Cod Liver Oil Complex offer? Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, help maintain normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which supports cardiovascular health. DHA is a key component of the brain, supporting memory, concentration and cognitive function. Vitamin A and DHA are essential for eye health, helping to maintain normal vision. Vitamin D found in Tran supports the immune system, helping the body fight infection. In addition, vitamin D is crucial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, helping to maintain strong and healthy bones.Take care of your health today with Super Cod Liver Oil Complex! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 202 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 185 mgVitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 906 µg RE (3021 IU)Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 25 µg (1020 IU) From:Cod Liver Oil 1250 mg Providing:Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 130 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 119 mgVitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 375 µg RE (1250 IU)Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 3 µg (125 IU)Marine Concentrate (from Anchovies, Herring, Mackerel, Sardines) 180 mg Providing:Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 68 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 29 mgDHA Concentrate (from tuna) 79 mg Providing:Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 4 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 37 mgVitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 531 µg RE (1771 IU)Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 22 µg (895 IU) Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule Shell: gelatin (from bovine), vegetable glycerin (from palm kernel oil and coconut oil). Antioxidant: mixed tocopherols.Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, one (1) softgel daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed directions for use.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, including blood thinners, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information see neck of bottle. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Yeast, Preservatives, Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours