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Cartilagem de Tubarão 750 mg 250 Cápsulas €36,24
Descrição do produto: Apoia a saúde das articulações Apoia a saúde do tecido conjuntivo Apoia o sistema imunitário Cartilagem de tubarão 750 mg 250 Cápsulas de Swanson apoia a manutenção do desempenho físico e da saúde das articulações. É rica em proteínas, minerais (incluindo cálcio e fósforo), hidratos de carbono e mucopolissacáridos, como a condroitina. Devido ao seu elevado teor de mucopolissacáridos, como a condroitina, pode apoiar a saúde e o funcionamento correto das articulações. Além disso, pode fortalecer o sistema imunitário, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças. Os ingredientes da cartilagem de tubarão também podem apoiar a saúde do tecido conjuntivo, que é fundamental para a integridade da cartilagem, dos ligamentos e dos tendões. Agora é a tua oportunidade de melhorar a tua saúde e aumentar o conforto dos teus movimentos de uma forma simples - escolhe a cartilagem de tubarão! Informação da dose: Tamanho da dose: 3 cápsulas Quantidade por dose Calorias 5 Proteína 1 g Cartilagem de tubarão 2,25 g Outros Ingredientes: Gelatina, estearato de magnésio, farinha de arroz.Sugestão de Uso: Como um suplemento dietético, toma três cápsulas três vezes por dia com água ou como recomendado pelo teu profissional de saúde.AVISO: Apenas para adultos. Consulta o teu profissional de saúde antes de usares este produto se estiveres grávida ou a amamentar, a tomar medicamentos, se tiveres menos de 18 anos de idade ou se tiveres uma condição médica. Interrompe a utilização duas semanas antes da cirurgia. Mantém fora do alcance das crianças. Não uses se o selo estiver quebrado. Guarda num local fresco e seco. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir uma dieta variada. Não excedas a dose diária recomendada.
-16% venda
Agora especial vegan e vegetariano Special Two Multivitamin 240 cápsulas vegetais - 60 cápsulas por Now Foods.
Duas cápsulas vegetais multivitamínicas especiais 240 €46,35 €55,00
Descrição do produto contém "superalimento" verde com extractos de plantas produto adequado a uma dieta vegetariana / vegana um multivitamínico com uma composição selecionada para fornecer uma vasta gama de nutrientes Special Two é um dos mais fortes e melhores complexos vitamínicos atualmente existentes. Ajuda a preencher a lacuna para a qual muitas vezes precisamos de suplementar os alimentos quando estes foram processados e a nossa velocidade de vida aumenta com todas as suas exigências, especialmente durante o exercício físico. O produto fornece-lhe uma nutrição completa a partir de nutrientes sinérgicos, tais como vitaminas, minerais e outros nutrientes necessários. Informações sobre o serviço Tamanho da dose: 1 cápsula vegetal Quantidade por dose Vitamina A (100% como Beta-Caroteno) 750 mcgVitamina C (a partir de Ascorbato de Cálcio e como Ácido Ascórbico) 125 mgVitamina D (como Ergocalciferol) (400 UI) 2,5 mcgVitamina E (como Succinato de d-alfa Tocoferilo) 33,5 mgTiamina (Vitamina B-1) (a partir de Tiamina HCl) 12.5 mgRiboflavina (Vitamina B-2) 12,5 mgNiacina (Vitamina B-3) (como Niacinamida) 12,5 mgVitamina B-6 (a partir de Piridoxina HCl) 12,5 mgFolato 170 mcg DFE (400 mcg de ácido fólico)Vitamina B-12 (como Cianocobalamina) 25 mcgBiotina 25 mcgÁcido pantoténico (a partir de Pantotenato de cálcio) 12.5 mgColina (a partir de Bitartarato de colina) 12,5 mgCálcio (a partir de Carbonato de cálcio e Ascorbato de cálcio) 25 mgFerro (a partir de Bisglicinato ferroso) (Ferrochel™) 2,5 mgIodo (a partir de Iodeto de potássio) 37.5 mcgMagnésio (a partir de óxido de magnésio) 12,5 mgZinco (a partir de picolinato de zinco) 3,75 mgSelénio (a partir de L-Selenometionina) 12,5 mcgCobre (a partir de bisglicinato de cobre) (TRAACS™) 0.25 mgManganês (a partir de Bisglicinato de Manganês) (TRAACS™) 1,25 mgCrómio (a partir de Picolinato de Crómio) 25 mcgMolibdénio (a partir de Molibdato de Sódio) 12,5 mcgPotássio (a partir de Cloreto de Potássio) 12,5 mgInositol 12.5 mgPABA (ácido para-aminobenzóico) 7,5 mgEspirulina orgânica 100 mgClorela (parede celular quebrada) 12,5 mgSumo de alfa concentrado (partes aéreas) 12,5 mgÁcido alfa-lipóico 12,5 mgExtracto de chá verde (folha) 12.5 mgExtracto de cardo mariano (fruto/sementes) (normalizado para silimarina) 12,5 mgPó de rutina (Sophora japonica) (botão de flor) 6,25 mgPó de alfafa (partes aéreas) 1 mgPó de rosa mosqueta orgânica (fruto) 1 mgLuteína (do extrato de flores de calêndula) (Tagetes erecta) (FloraGLO®) 62.5 mcgLicopeno (de extrato de tomate) 62,5 mcgAmilase (50 SKB) 2,5 mgLipase (800 LU) 2,5 mgBromelaína (de ananás) (48 GDU) 5 mgPapaína (de papaia) (50.000 USP) 6,25 mg Outros ingredientes: Hipromelose (cápsula de celulose), estearato de magnésio (fonte vegetal), celulose microcristalina, ácido esteárico (fonte vegetal) e dióxido de silício. Vitamina E de soja não transgênica.Uso Sugerido: Como um suplemento dietético, tomar quatro comprimidos por dia com água. AVISO: A sobredosagem acidental de produtos que contêm ferro é uma das principais causas de envenenamento fatal em crianças com menos de 6 anos. Manter este produto fora do alcance das crianças. Em caso de sobredosagem acidental, contactar imediatamente um médico ou um centro de controlo de envenenamento. Este produto contém Biotina, que pode interferir com alguns resultados de análises ao sangue. Pode ocorrer uma variação natural da cor deste produto. Conservar num local fresco e seco depois de aberto. Não exceder a dose diária recomendada. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir uma dieta variada. Não fabricado com ingredientes de trigo, glúten, leite, ovo, peixe, marisco ou frutos de casca rija. Produzido numa instalação GMP que processa outros ingredientes que contêm estes alergénios.
Um frasco verde de Swanson Stinging Nettle - Standardized 120 Capsules suplemento de ervas, que promove a saúde da próstata e apoia o sistema imunitário para uma óptima saúde do trato urinário.
Urtiga - Normalizada 120 Cápsulas €17,65
Descrição do produto: Apoia a saúde da próstata Apoia o sistema imunitário Limpa o corpo Saúde respiratória Apresentamos Stinging Nettle - Standardized 120 Capsules de Swanson para restaurar naturalmente o equilíbrio do teu corpo. Rica em nutrientes valiosos, a urtiga apoia o sistema imunitário e a saúde dos rins e do trato urinário. A urtiga está cheia de vitaminas e minerais que fortalecem o sistema imunitário, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças. Também apoia a função adequada do trato urinário nos homens, incluindo a saúde da próstata. Além disso, as suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias podem aliviar a inflamação do trato respiratório. A urtiga apoia os processos de desintoxicação do corpo, apoiando a função renal e hepática, o que facilita a remoção de toxinas e produtos metabólicos desnecessários. Escolhe uma solução natural para melhorar o teu bem-estar todos os dias - escolhe Urtiga Comum! Informação da dose: Tamanho da dose: 1 cápsula Quantidade por dose Extrato de Folha de Urtiga (Urtica dioica) (padronizado para um mínimo de 1% de sílica) 250 mgExtracto de Raiz de Urtiga 4:1 (Urtica dioica) 67,5 mg Outros ingredientes: Farinha de arroz, gelatina, maltodextrina, palmitato de cálcio. Contém enxofre/sulfitos.Sugestão de uso: Como um suplemento dietético, toma uma cápsula duas a três vezes por dia com água.AVISO: Apenas para adultos. Consulta o teu profissional de saúde antes de usares este ou qualquer outro produto se estiveres grávida ou a amamentar, a tomar medicamentos ou se tiveres uma condição médica. Mantém fora do alcance das crianças. Não uses se o selo estiver quebrado. Guarda num local fresco e seco. Um suplemento alimentar não pode substituir uma dieta variada. Não excedas a dose diária recomendada.
Sold out -49% sale
Puritan's Pride Ultra Man 50 Plus Multivitamins & Minerals 60 caplets is a high-performance multivitamin formulated specifically for men's health, particularly those over 50.
Ultra Man 50 Plus Multivitamins & Minerals 60 cápsulas €9,84 €19,00
Product Description high performance multivitamins with over 50 important nutrients for men’s health created especially for men over 50 just two coated caplets a day features Zinc, an important mineral that contributes to normal semen production and sexual health Ultra Man 50 Plus Multivitamins & Minerals by Puritan's Pride is a supplement  containing over 50 nutrients important for health. Created for men over 50. This product effectively improves memory, also contributes to the proper production of sperm and sexual health, and supports the immune system. Serving Information Serving Size 1 Coated Caplet Amount Per Serving Vitamin A 750 mcg (as Beta-Carotene and Vitamin A Acetate) Vitamin C 150 mg (as Ascorbic Acid) Vitamin D 25 mcg (2,000 IU) (as D3 Cholecalciferol) Vitamin E 10 mg (as d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) Vitamin K 40 mcg (as Phytonadione) Thiamin 15 mg (Vitamin B-1) (as Thiamin Mononitrate)  Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 15 mg Niacin (as Niacinamide) 15 mg  Vitamin B-6 15 mg (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) Folate 333 mcg (200 mcg folic acid) Vitamin B-12 50 mcg (as Cyanocobalamin) Biotin 250 mcg Pantothenic Acid 15 mg (as d-Calcium Pantothenate) Calcium 145 mg (as Calcium Carbonate, Dicalcium Phosphate and Calcium Citrate) Iodine 75 mcg (as Potassium Iodide) Magnesium 50 mg (as Magnesium Oxide) Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 12.5 mg  Selenium 100 mcg (as Sodium Selenate) Copper 1 mg (as Cupric Oxide) Manganese 1 mg (as Manganese Gluconate) Chromium 100 mcg (as Chromium Picolinate) Potassium 15 mg (as Potassium Chloride) Choline Bitartrate 5 mg  Inositol 5 mg  Boron 1 mg (as Bororganic Glycine) Vanadium 5 mcg (as Sodium Metavanadate) UM50+ Amino Acid Blend 25 mg (L-Glutamine, L-Valine, L-Cysteine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Methionine, Taurine, N-Acetyl L-Carnitine Hydrochloride, L-Arginine (as  L-Arginine Hydrochloride), L-Carnitine) (as L-Carnitine Fumarate) UM50+ Bio-Active Blend 60 mg  (Flax (Linum usitatissimum) (seed),  Saw Palmetto Extract (Serenoa repens)  (fruit), Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita pepo), Lycopene UM50+ Herbal Blend 25 mg (Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex (Citrus limon) (peel), Carrot Extract, Broccoli Extract, Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera), Bilberry Extract  (Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruit), Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) (fruit), Black Currant  (Ribes nigrum) (fruit), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Co-Enzyme Q-10, Resveratrol from  (Polygonum cuspidatum) (root), Pine  Bark Extract (Pinus pinaster), Lutein UM50+ Vitality Blend 50 mg (Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) (leaf), Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum) (fruit), Spirulina, Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba) (leaf), Neuro-PS® Phosphatidylserine Directions: For adult men, take two (2) caplets daily, preferably with a meal. Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose. Contains <2% of: Calcium Silicate, Gelatin, Maltodextrin, Triacetin, Vegetable Stearic Acid, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate. Contains milk and soy ingredients. Contains bioengineered food ingredients. WARNING: This product is intended for use by men and is not intended for use by women. If you are taking any medications, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.  A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. No Artificial Color or Flavor, No Preservatives, No Sugar, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Fish.
A bottle of Puritan's Pride Ultra Vita Man Sport Time Release 90 tablets containing vitamins and herbs.
Ultra Vita Man Sport Time Release 90 comprimidos €15,21
Product Description Delivers Vitamins, Herbs and Minerals Offers Antioxidant and Immune Support Supports Cardiovascular Health Contains a 45 day supply of timed-release coated caplets Puritan's Pride Ultra Vita Man Sport Time Release is a supplement with a multivitamin, multimineral and herbal formula with high potency perfectly selected for men. The sustained-release capsules provide essential vitamins, herbs and minerals that have been shown to be beneficial to men's health on an ongoing basis. This product has a positive effect on the immune system, cardiovascular health, Ultra Vita Man will effectively meet the needs of even demanding and athletic men! Serving Information Serving Size 2 Coated Caplets Amount Per Serving Complex Vitamins, Herbs and Minerals Directions: For adult men, take two (2) caplets daily, preferably with a meal.  Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Vegetable Stearic Acid. Contains <2% of: Gelatin, Natural Palm Leaf Glaze, Vanillin, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate. Contains milk, soy and wheat ingredients. WARNING: This product is intended for use by men and is not intended for use by women. If you are taking any medications, planning any medical procedure or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.  A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.
This Puritan's Pride Ultra Woman 50 Plus 120 tabs description highlights the benefits of this multi-vitamin, which provides antioxidant and immune support as well as promoting cardiovascular health.
Ultra Woman 50 Plus 120 comprimidos €29,05
Product Description Delivers Vitamins, Herbs and Minerals Offers Antioxidant and Immune Support Supports Cardiovascular Health  Puritan's Pride Ultra Woman 50 Plus Multi-Vitamin with Zinc is a supplement with a healthy formula intended for women over 50. These tablets are very potent and therefore provide strong antioxidant support. They also contribute to supporting strong bones, healthy skin, hair and nails. It also influences the proper functioning of metabolism and energy production. The formula of the supplement is sustained release so it provides a gradual release of nutrients so you can reap the benefits all day long! Serving Information Serving Size 1 Coated Caplet Amount Per Serving Vitamin A 525,5 mcg (as Beta-Carotene) Vitamin C 60 mg (as Ascorbic Acid)  Vitamin D 25 mcg (2,000 IU) (as D3 Cholecalciferol) Vitamin E 10 mg (as d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) Vitamin K 5 mcg (as Phytonadione)  Thiamin 15 mg (Vitamin B-1) (as Thiamin Mononitrate) Riboflavin 15 mg (Vitamin B-2) Niacin 15 mg (as Niacinamide) Vitamin B-6 15 mg (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) Folate 333 mcg  (200 mcg folic acid) Vitamin B-12 15 mcg (as Cyanocobalamin) Biotin 250 mcg (as d-Biotin) Pantothenic Acid 15 mg (as d-Calcium Pantothenate) Calcium 260 mg(as Calcium Carbonate, Dicalcium Phosphate and Calcium Citrate) Iodine 750 mcg (as Potassium Iodide) Magnesium 50 mg (as Magnesium Oxide) Zinc 7,5 mg (as Zinc Oxide)  Selenium 50 mcg (as Sodium Selenate) Copper 1 mg (as Cupric Oxide) Manganese 1 mg (as Manganese Gluconate) Chromium 100 mcg (as Chromium Picolinate) Molybdenum 37,5 mcg (as Sodium Molybdate) Potassium 15 mg (as Potassium Chloride) Vanadium 5 mcg (as Sodium Metavanadate) UW50+ Bioactive Blend 25 mg (Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex (Citrus limon) (peel), Carrot Extract, Broccoli Extract, Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera), Black Currant (Ribes nigrum) (fruit), Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruit), Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) (fruit), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Resveratrol from (Polygonum uspidatum) (root), Coenzyme Q-10, Lycopene, Lutein, Pine Bark Extract (Pinus pinaster)  UW50+ Herbal Blend 25 mg (Barley Grass (Hordeum vulgare) (aerial), Wild Yam  Extract (Dioscorea opposita) (root), Chamomile  (Matricaria recutita) (flower), Cranberry  (Vaccinium macrocarpon) (fruit), Vitex Chasteberry  (Vitex agnus-castus) (fruit), Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) (root), Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) (leaf), Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) (flower) UW50+ Collagen Blend 25 mg (Collagen (as Hydrolyzed Gelatin), Silicon Dioxide, Inositol, Choline Bitartrate) Directions: For adults, take two (2) caplets daily, preferably with a meal. Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose. Contains <2% of: Calcium Silicate, Vanillin, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Vegetable Stearic Acid. Contains milk ingredients. Contains bioengineered food ingredients.  WARNING: Not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you are taking any medications, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Avoid this product if you are allergic to ragweed or daisylike flowers. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.  A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.No Artificial Color, No Preservatives, No Sugar, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Fish.
A brown bottle with a dropper, labeled
VITA ADEK 30 ml €10,64
Pleasant liquid form Support for the immune system, bone health, skin and eyes Consists of vitamins A, D, E and K Discover VITA ADEK 30 ml from Herb, a dietary supplement in drop form that provides key vitamins A, D, E and K in one bottle. It is an excellent choice for people who want to take comprehensive care of their health, especially their eyesight, immune system, skin condition and bone health. Vitamin A supports the proper functioning of the immune system and is beneficial for eye health. Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is key to maintaining strong and healthy bones and teeth. It also supports muscle and immune system function. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, helping to neutralise free radicals that can damage cells. It also helps to maintain skin hydration and supports the regenerative process. Vitamin K supports bone health and proper blood clotting.Strengthen your body and enjoy a life full of energy with VITA ADEK! Serving Information: Serving Size: 5 drops Amount Per Serving Vitamin E 12mgVitamin A (retinyl palmitate) 800mcgVitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin) (4000IU) 50ugVitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) 75ug Ingredients: Safflower oil (including naturally occurring vitamin E); antioxidant: tocopherol-rich extract (natural vitamin E); Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin), vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7).Suggested Use: 5 drops daily. Can be added to water or juice. Supplement intended for the healthy adult population over 75 years of age.WARNING: A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
Vitamin A 10 000 IU & D 400 IU 100 Softgels - front
Vitamin A 10 000 IU & D 400 IU 100 Softgels €7,53
Product description: Vitamins of value to the body Supports the immune system Supports eye and bone health Discover Vitamin A 10 000 IU & D 400 IU 100 Softgels from Now Foods, a dietary supplement that provides two key vitamins: vitamin A and vitamin D. These vitamins play vital roles in many biological processes in the body. Vitamin A in the supplement is found as retinyl palmitate and vitamin D is found as cholecalciferol, extracted from lanolin (a substance naturally present in sheep's wool). Vitamin A supports eye health and helps maintain healthy and supple skin. Vitamin D supports the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is crucial for strong and healthy bones, and supports the proper functioning of muscles, which is important for overall physical performance. In addition, both vitamins support the immune system, helping the body to fight infections.Add these valuable vitamins to your daily routine and enjoy their benefits every day! Serving Information  Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin A (as Retinyl Palmitate) 3,000 mcgVitamin D (as D3 Cholecalciferol) (from Lanolin) 10 mcg (400 IU) Other Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Softgel Capsule [bovine gelatin (BSE-free), glycerin, water].Suggested Use: Take 1 softgel daily with a meal.WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including retinol, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Natural color variation may occur in this product. Store in a cool, dry place after opening. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitue for a varied diet.Not manufactured with wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or sesame ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
A bottle of Herb Vitamin D3 + K2, 30ml, accompanied by an orange box, enhances cardiovascular health.
Vitamin D3 + K2 30 ml €9,22
Support for the cardiovascular and immune systems Pleasant liquid form Experience the power of health contained in just one drop! Vitamin D3 + K2 30 ml from Herb is the perfect combination for your body. This supplement combines vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) in liquid form, which positively influences their absorption. Vitamin D3 supports the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is essential for maintaining healthy and strong bones. Vitamin K2 helps to channel calcium into the bones, ensuring they function properly. Vitamin D3 also strengthens the immune system, helping to protect the body from infection. In addition, Vitamin K2 supports heart and blood vessel health, positively affecting circulation.Take care of your immune system and blood circulation today - choose Vitamin D3 + K2! Serving Information: Serving Size: 5 drops Amount Per Serving Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin) (4000IU) 1000ugVitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) 100ug Ingredients: Safflower oil (including naturally occurring vitamin E); antioxidant: tocopherol-rich extract (natural vitamin E), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin), vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7).Suggested Use: 5 drops daily. Can be added to water or juice.WARNING: A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
A 30 ml bottle and box of Herb Vitamin D3 4000 IU, featuring a dropper cap, aids in supporting bone health and the immune system.
Vitamin D3 4000 IU 30 ml €5,20
Supporting bone and tooth health and the immune system Supporting the regulation of calcium levels in the blood Take care of your health with Vitamin D3 4000 IU 30 ml from Herb! Vitamin D3 extracted from lanolin is one of the most commonly used methods of supplementing this vitamin. Lanolin, a natural wax found in sheep's wool, is processed to extract and convert vitamin D3 precursors into its active form, cholecalciferol. The product in drop form ensures easy dosing and rapid absorption. Vitamin D3 is particularly recommended for adults, especially those who rarely spend time in the sun, seniors supporting bone and immune system health, those with a deficiency of this vitamin and those concerned about healthy bones and muscles. Vitamin D3 supports the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is key for healthy bones and teeth, supports the proper functioning of the immune system and helps regulate blood calcium levels.Don't delay - include Vitamin D3 in your daily routine and enjoy good health all year round! Serving Information: Serving Size: 4 drops Amount Per Serving Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin) (4000IU) 100 mcg Ingredients: Safflower oil (including naturally occurring vitamin E); antioxidant: tocopherol-rich extract (natural vitamin E), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin).Suggested Use: 4 drops daily. Can be added to water or juice.WARNING: A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels - front
Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels €10,47
Product description: Supports vision and improves immune system function Facilitates calcium absorption and ensures healthy bones and teeth Excellent source of vitamins A and D in adequate doses Vitamins A (1500 mcg) and D (10 mcg) 250 Softgels from Swanson will be a great addition to your health routine. They contain 1,500 mcg of vitamin A and 10 mcg of vitamin D, providing the optimal dosage for your body. Vitamin A plays a key role in maintaining vision health, skin condition and immune system function. Vitamin D is important for maintaining strong, healthy bones, regulating the immune system and affecting our overall wellbeing. Vitamins A and D are ideal for those who care about their health and want to supplement deficiencies of these important vitamins. Don't wait any longer - take care of your health now! Serving Information Serving Size 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin A (from cod liver oil and vitamin A palmitate) 1,500 mcgVitamin D (from cod liver oil and cholecalciferol) 10 mcg Other ingredients: May contain vegetable oil (corn or soybean oil); contains gelatin, glycerin, purified water. Contains fish (cod). Contains a bioengineered food ingredient.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day with water. Women who are pregnant or likely to become pregnant should not exceed recommended dosage.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.
The Life Extension Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine bottle, containing 60 non-GMO, gluten-free capsules, supports bone health.
Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine 60 Capsules €23,64
Product description: Contains vitamin K in 3 forms Contains marine iodine to support the thyroid gland Supports bone health and calcium absorption Want to take care of your health in various aspects? Discover a supplement that supports your bones, immune system and thyroid function - Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine 60 Capsules from Life Extension! Vitamin D, known as the 'sunshine vitamin', is produced in the body through exposure to sunlight. In many regions where cloudy days and limited sun exposure are prevalent, achieving adequate levels of this vitamin can be a challenge. It is also worth noting that vitamin K comes in three forms in this supplement: phylloquinone, menaquinone-4 and trans menaquinone-7, allowing for potentially wider health benefits. Marine iodine, on the other hand, is an essential trace element naturally found in marine waters and products such as fish, algae, shrimp and other seafood.The combination of vitamins D3, K and marine iodine in one formula creates a synergistic effect that supports bone health, the immune system and cognitive function. Vitamin D3 facilitates calcium absorption, which is beneficial for bones, and also supports the immune system. Vitamin K plays an important role in normal blood clotting and bone mineralisation. Sea iodine is crucial for the production of thyroid hormones, which affects the regulation of metabolism.Don't delay - reach for Vitamins D and K with Marine Iodine™ and enjoy full health every day! Serving Information Serving Size: 1 Capsule Amount Per Serving Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 125 mcgVitamin K 2100 mcg activity from:Vitamin K1 (as phytonadione) 1000 mcgVitamin K2 (as menaquinone-4) 1000 mcgVitamin K2 (as trans menaquinone-7) 100 mcgIodine [from Sea-Iodine™ Complex Blend (organic kelp and bladderwrack extracts, potassium iodide)] 1000 mcg Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose (capsule), silica, vegetable stearate.Suggested Use: Take one (1) capsule once daily with food, or as recomended by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: Individuals consuming more than 50 mcg (2,000 IU)/day of vitamin D (from diet and supplements) should periodically obtain a serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D measurement. Do not exceed 250 mcg per day unless recommended by your doctor. Vitamin D supplementation is not recommended for individuals with high blood calcium levels. If you have a thyroid condition or are taking antithyroid medications, do not use without consulting your healthcare practitioner. If you are taking a vitamin K antagonist (e.g. warfarin), consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSE. Do not purchase if outer seal is broken or damaged. When using nutritional supplements, please consult with your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.
Swanson's Women's Multi + Hormone Support dietary supplement comes in a green bottle and includes 90 tablets, designed for overall health, hormone support, and immune wellness.
Womens Multi + Hormone Support 90 tablets €21,88
Descrição do produto Um complexo multivitamínico e mineral avançado concebido para mulheres, desenvolvido para ajudar no equilíbrio hormonal, vitalidade e bem-estar imunitário. Combina mais de 30 vitaminas, minerais e ervas essenciais num único comprimido fácil de tomar Swanson Women's Multi +Hormone Support é uma solução personalizada concebida para enfrentar os desafios da saúde da mulher, como os sintomas da menopausa, a saúde da mama e as alterações hormonais mensais. Cada comprimido contém mais de 30 vitaminas, ervas e minerais vitais, reforçados com pó de soja, potentes extractos de ervas e nutrientes únicos para a saúde das células, como o IP-6 e o cálcio D-glucarato. Informação da dose: Tamanho da dose: 1 comprimido Quantidade por dose: Vitamina A (como beta-caroteno) 900 mcg RAEVitamina C (como ácido ascórbico) 100 mgVitamina D (como colecalciferol) 1.5 mcgVitamina E (na forma de d-succinato de alfa-tocoferilo) 40 mgTiamina (vitamina B1) (na forma de tiamina HCl) 5 mgRiboflavina (vitamina B2) 5 mgNiacina (na forma de niacinamida) 5 mg NEVitamina B6 (na forma de piridoxina HCl) 5 mgFolato (na forma de ácido fólico) 333 mcg DFE (200 mcg de ácido fólico)Vitamina B12 (na forma de cianocobalamina) 50 mcgBiotina 5 mcgÁcido pantoténico (na forma de d-pantotenato de cálcio)5 mg 100%Colina (a partir de bitartarato de colina) 10 mgCálcio (50 mg a partir de citrato de cálcio, 4 mg de fitato de cálcio, 1.2 mg de d-glucarato de cálcio) 55,2 mgFerro [de TRAACS® Ferrochel® (quelato de bisglicinato ferroso)] 5 mgIodo (de algas) 50 mcgMagnésio (de óxido de magnésio) 30 mg 7%Zinco (de TRAACS® quelato de glicinato de zinco) 7.5 mgSelénio (do complexo de aminoácidos Albion®) 100 mcgManganês (do quelato de glicinato de manganês TRAACS®) 2 mgCrómio (do quelato de glicinato de nicotinato de crómio TRAACS®) 25 mcgGlucarato™ Cálcio D-Glucarato10 mgPó de Dong Quai (algelica sinensis) 50 mgPó de chá verde (camellia sinensis) 50 mgPó de soja (glycine max) (fruto) 50 mgIP-6 (hexafosfato de inositol) (de fitato de cálcio) 25 mgGinseng coreano (panax ginseng) (5% ginsenósidos) 15 mg Extrato de Black Cohosh (2.5% de triterpenóides) (raiz) 10 mgGLA (ácido gama-linolénico de borragem) 10 mgInositol (de IP-6 e inositol) 10 mgExtracto de mirtilo (Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruto) (normalizado para 25% de antocianinas) 5 mgExtracto de folhas de Ginkgo biloba (normalizado para 24% de glicosídeos de flavona, 6% de lactonas terpénicas) 5 mg PABA (ácido para-aminobenzóico)5 mgRutina 5 mgCoenzima Q 102 mgBoro (de glicina bororgânica) 1 mg Modo de emprego: Para mulheres adultas, tomar um comprimido duas vezes por dia, com alimentos e água. Outros ingredientes: Ácido esteárico, croscarmelose sódica, esterato de magnésio, sílica, glacê alimentar. Contém crustáceos (camarão, lagosta e caranguejo) e soja. AVISO: Não tomar este produto se estiver grávida ou a amamentar. Consulte o seu profissional de saúde antes de utilizar este produto se estiver a tomar qualquer medicamento ou se tiver uma condição médica.
A Puritan's Pride Women's Multivitamin One-Per-Day 100 Coated Caplets, que promove a imunidade com uma dose diária de vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
Multivitaminas Mulheres Multivitaminas Um-Por-Dia 100 Tampas Revestidas €10,77
Product Description high B Complex supports Overall Well-Being  designed for a Woman's Specific Needs Women's Multivitamin One-Per-Day by Puritan's Pride is a complex of basic vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of the entire body. The product, designed with the needs of women in mind, comes in the form of easy-to-swallow tablets. Provides effective support for the body's immunity and vitality, and improves the condition of the skin. In addition, it is responsible for supporting the nervous system and reduces the signs of fatigue. Serving Information Serving Size 1 Caplet Amount Per Serving  Vitamin A 750 mcg (as Vitamin A Acetate and 20% as Beta-Carotene) Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 60 mg Vitamin D (as D3 Cholecalciferol) 25 mcg (1,000 IU) Vitamin E (as dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) 10.1 mg Vitamin K (as Phytonadione) 25 mcg Thiamin (Vitamin B-1) (as Thiamin Mononitrate) 1.5 mg  Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 1.7 mg Niacin (as Niacinamide) 20 mg Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 2 mg Folate 666 mcg (400 mcg folic acid) Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 6 mcg Biotin (as d-Biotin) 300 mcg Pantothenic Acid (as d-Calcium Pantothenate) 10 mg Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate) 500 mg Iron (as Ferrous Fumarate) 18 mg Iodine (as Potassium Iodide) 150 mcg Zinc (as Zinc Oxide) 15 mg Selenium (as Sodium Selenate) 20 mcg Copper (as Cupric Oxide) 2 mg Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate) 2 mg  Chromium (as Chromium Chloride) 120 mcg Directions: For adult women, take one (1) caplet daily, preferably with a meal. Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose. Contains <2% of: Gelatin, Natural Palm Leaf Glaze, Vanillin, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Vegetable Stearic Acid. Contains milk and soy ingredients. WARNING:  Not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. If you are taking any medications, planning any medical procedure or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Avoid this product if you are allergic to ragweed or daisy-like flowers. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under six. KEEP THIS PRODUCT OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or Poison Control Center immediately. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet.No Artificial Flavor, No Sugar, No Milk, No Lactose, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Shellfish.